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Complaints Procedure for Students - Summary

If you are concerned about an aspect of your learning experience, you can use the complaints procedure for students to bring your concerns to the attention of relevant staff. The procedure enables investigation of the concerns with the aim of satisfactory resolution, and is available to students who are enrolled on Academy courses.

There are specific timescales for making complaints. It is important that if you wish to use the procedure, you raise the issue at the local level (Level 1) within 60 working days from the incident or cause for concern using the Level 1 Complaint Form.

There are three levels to the procedure:

Level 1

Raise your complaint within 60 working days of the cause for concern. Submit the Level 1 Complaint Form to

Your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days. The response will be communicated within 20 working days of receipt.

LEVEL 1 - Complaint Form (PDF)

LEVEL 1 - Complaint Form (MS Word)

Level 2

If you remain dissatisfied, raise your complaint within 10 working days of the date of the Level 1 outcome. Submit the Level 2 Complaint Form to

Your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days. The response will be communicated within 30 working days of receipt. (If this is not possible, an alternative timescale will be provided).

LEVEL 2 - Complaint Form (PDF)

LEVEL 2 - Complaint Form (MS Word)

Level 3

If you remain dissatisfied, request a review within 10 working days of the Level 2 outcome date. Submit the Level 3 Complaint Form to

Your complaint will be acknowledged within five working days. The response will be communicated within 15 working days of receipt.

LEVEL 3 - Complaint Form (PDF)

LEVEL 3 - Complaint Form (MS Word)

Formal hearing

Sometimes it is not possible to reach a satisfactory resolution to a problem through the above steps, and in such cases a formal hearing may be appropriate to determine the outcome of the complaint.

Matters brought to our attention through the complaints procedure will be treated as valuable student feedback and the operation of the procedure is carefully monitored. The Academy welcomes feedback on its services and will use the findings to improve them where appropriate and possible.

This summary is not the procedure and has no legal standing.

For full details please see the Complaints Policy and Procedure

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